Frequently asked questions
In this section you will find answers to the most important questions about my.daopay.com. If you did not find an answer to your specific matter, please contact us
How can I redeem my DaoPoints?
What are DaoPoints and how do I collect them?
Which rewards are available on my.daopay?
I have not received my reward yet.
How do I add a phone number to the my.daopay account?
What is my.daopay.com?
I haven’t received my DaoPoints yet.
I have problems adding my phone number.
How many phone numbers can I add to the my.daopay account?
What is the maximum of DaoPoints I can receive in one month?
Do I receive DaoPoints when I call with a blocked number?
How can I delete my account?
What happens when I delete a phone number from my account?
Can I open more than one my.daopay account?
How can I change my account details?
How many friends can I invite to my.daopay?
How can I redeem my DaoPoints?
What are DaoPoints and how do I collect them?
Which rewards are available on my.daopay?
I have not received my reward yet.
How do I add a phone number to the my.daopay account?
What is my.daopay.com?
I haven’t received my DaoPoints yet.
I have problems adding my phone number.
How many phone numbers can I add to the my.daopay account?
What is the maximum of DaoPoints I can receive in one month?
Do I receive DaoPoints when I call with a blocked number?
How can I delete my account?
What happens when I delete a phone number from my account?
Can I open more than one my.daopay account?
How can I change my account details?
How many friends can I invite to my.daopay?
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